JULY 2020
I’m feeling like this year has had a January and February,
and now we're not far off from welcoming
Autumnal colour and change.
Where has this year gone? This year has gone to anxious times, worries, fears, grief,
but also to family time, re-engaging, appreciation and
feeling grateful for what we have. For some, they have acted irresponsibly with no compassion
for others, but the majority of humankind have respected the
guidelines and looked out for our friends, loved ones, and neighbours. You cannot judge others, be proud of what you can do to
help yourself, family, community, as in years to come we
will tell stories to youngsters about this time, schools will
research how we all coped, what did we do in the months of lockdown? When we look back and research nature of this time – 2020
- more humans have taken notice of nature worldwide,
we have cleaner rivers and streams for example.
Is it because we simply had /have more time, is it because
the skies and roads are quieter and we can hear and see
more? Is it because mentally we need to re-connect to nature,
like a magnet to heal us from what's happening? You have to remember we have built roads/towns/cities
on all creatures’ own habitats. We are the ones who have
taken over and claimed their land. Those creatures are just
using the same routes and same paths of their territory, so
maybe with us being at home more we're simply seeing
what we're missing while we're so engulfed in our busy lives. Our two kids at home have seen more nature in our own
garden. Capturing nature is about being the right place at
the right time. They've seen foxes and badgers, fawns and
eels, fledgling birds, toads and slow worms
to name but a few.
They’re all here, a great variety of wildlife, right on our
doorstep. Some things, the little things can go un-noticed,
but if you spend time and really look, wildlife and nature
is there, waiting to be discovered and enjoyed by us all.
There isn't a better feeling than when you’re maybe out
for a walk, and you discover something new or see your
first of something.
I still smile when I see my first ladybird of the year, or like
the other day while I was mucking out my ponies’ field,
I lay on the grass to listen and spot grasshoppers. We've had young bank voles popping up all over the place,
we had some we had to lift and move as they were at risk
to being squashed by ponies feet. No wonder the foxes
and owls are doing well this year.
And just to let you all know we still have two tawny owls
still being fed by their parents every night. From about
9pm the youngsters start calling, demanding to be fed.
They are so like their parents now, almost the same size
and all feathered up. The parents let them call for a while
now before they feed them, they are trying to encourage
them to hunt for themselves now too. Obviously it's easier
if your parents do it for you, so there's been a few arguments
in the big oak tree by our house!
I'm so keen to get Newcastleton Wildlife Club going again
but the Trust is holding on to September to start. I delivered
a wee painted wood cookie to all the members and wrote
a card to each one, just checking they and their families were okay,
and letting them know the club will resume soon.
How to help nature ● take your litter home ●report any squirrel sightings to
"Saving Scotland's Red Squirrels" ●make sure you have water available in your
garden on dry days
Get out there and enjoy what's on your doorstep,
log your findings, photograph what you see
or maybe do some sketching.
I'd love to see your drawings. TAKE CARE EVERYONE, AND JUST LOVE NATURE X