JUNE 2020
As the days, weeks and months seem to blend together, I'm really surprised
at how quickly they are passing. I'm never quite sure what day we're on, but I always know it’s Wednesday as
that’s when I collect freshly baked rolls and pies from the Olive Tree cafe
in the village. I have to say some things I do really miss and others not so much.
I love nothing better than being at home.
Our garden is so busy, filled with growth and beginnings of new life from
plants to mammals. We now have many empty bird nests as nearly all have fledged and left. Our swallows have finally hatched, so won't be long till
another empty nest.
There are definitely more lizards and slow worms about this year. They
have thrived in the hot days. Please don't be tempted to catch lizards
as they have an amazing trick.
To fool predators, they can drop half their tail, but even more astonishing
is that it will continue to flick causing a distraction, allowing the lizard to
run off to safety. The tail will grow back but takes a long time and is never quite the same.
So look at them from a distance and enjoy their splendour. You'll find
them basking on stones or rocks. We have them in our garden and they
love to sit on piles of rock, and also in cracks on our wall. Everything is bursting to its full potential now. It’s all so green,
from the grasses, shrubs and trees. We've had some unbelievably
hot days, followed by heavy downpours.
My ponies like other animals cope and adapt as best they can. Over the years
I've tried to make sure they can choose where they need to be. They have
space to move, play, rest, be together. They have shade, shelter, food,
minerals, salt and water.
Now restrictions are easing, I'm enjoying getting out and about on them
I would just like to mention two amazing people from the village who are
really making a difference. Buzz McNeil and Sam Cropper have both
continued to trap grey squirrels around our Liddesdale valley over these
difficult months of lockdown. This is such important work to allow our
native red squirrels to survive and thrive. I for sure really appreciate it.
This month we celebrate my partner Clive’s birthday,
so there will be cake
and I'm sure a wee glass of something. WHAT YOU CAN DO TO HELP WITH WILDLIFE ● Remember to report any squirrel sightings, red or grey, to Saving Scotland's Red squirrels, your call or e-mail will be very much appreciated.
So - till next month, stay safe and